So it's been a couple weeks since my last post and for the most part not much has changed. I was able to get the VRF, AVS and Living Allowance Survey done which was a big relief. I'm still working on the server of course since it will be taking a lot of time to code alone. However I have recently been working with one of my coworkers on learning how to upkeep the server when I'm gone. This has been a lot of fun because within my lessons with him we are covering the basics of HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and SQL (using MySQL). Like most things the amount to which we practice alone will determine the speed to which we pick up these skills. So to help facilitate his practice I've turned him onto a few tools including one I would recommend for anyone who is new to and interested in coding, and that is FreeCodeCamp. Not only is the learning hands on, but it also allows you the opportunity to become certified in the language your trying to learn for the extremely high price of $0.00. So obviously I recommend you check that out if you have some free time, even if you're only mildly interested in programming.
The pictures below were from yesterday when we celebrated the 20th anniversary of Caritas Diocesana de Baucau! We had mass in the morning (Wooo!), and then had a festa in the afternoon with plenty of dancing, drinking (oituan deit) and good times. Having that time of reflection and celebration was just the thing to get everyone motivated and proud of their work, so props to my counterpart for that idea!
Beyond that I've been trying to take the initiative to organize my life here a little better. I've been setting goals and logging the work I do using ToDoList and tracking my spending (because Dili has caused me to go a little low on funds) using GnuCash. Trying to stay organized and held accountable to my own standards is easy to become lackadaisical about in this climate, but I know making the changes I plan on doing will all help me in the future and will hopefully make my stay here all that more enjoyable!
So yeah, things are going well! I will be relieved when everything has been written down, and hopefully that'll clear up the path for my future activities. The stress is real sometimes, but it's good to have a little stress, because it pushes me to move forward. It also doesn't allow me to feel comfortable with where I'm at which is a good lesson that resonated with me from the Brian series when I finished that a month ago. Food always tastes better when you're a little hungry, and things that require hard work pay back seven fold in the feeling of accomplishment that comes from achievement. So if you didn't understand any of the acronyms above or help a question about life here leave a comment below, and if I haven't talked to you for a while, hit me up! I have to go watch this dank Meme playlist. So until next time I'll leave you with this.