So the past few weeks have been fairly busy for a change which has been nice! So busy in fact that I apologize if this post turns into more of a digest than an update, but here we go. To begin let me try and list off what I have on my TDL right now;
- Write a Blog Post (just about done!)
- Create a Website for CDB
- Create a Brochure for CDB
- Write the Grant application for Karitas Korea
- Start monitoring spending for Living Allowance Survey
- Type up VRF
- Create and Test CDB Server project
- Build a case for my Guitar
- Continue Timorese Game planning (back burner)
- Finalize Standard Weekly Schedule

Woof, that's a lot different than even just a month ago! I am glad to have more on my plate though, it makes me feel useful and pushes me to accomplish things. The project I'm the most excited for is the server project which is what I am currently working on (besides the blog post of course). The plan is to get the server up and running in the next two weeks and to have a final version up and operational in a month. Now anyone who has either made a server or tried to plan a project will know that most likely this timeline will change. It's important to have the deadlines though because if holds me accountable to my Org. and to myself. I also plan on posting the whole thing on GitHub or passing it off to the PeaceCorp to see if they can put it in the library. Regardless I'm hoping future volunteers can use it to help their Org's as well!
Apart from that the the other projects are pretty straight forward and just need to be done. Some of them are currently being hung up which is why I'm focusing on the server project because it should cut a lot of busy work out of most peoples days giving everyone time to work on other projects. If you guys have any questions on the other projects sound off in the comments and I'll get back to you all.
On other news I noticed that a picture I posted on FB was very well received and was wondering if you would all like me to post more pictures on there and of what, so comment that as well! As for now I have to get back to working on this server, but I'll have a new post sooner than later. Until then, I'll leave you with this.