So last Sunday we had Easter here in Timor, and the way I celebrated it was by hanging out with some friends in Dili and picking up some things that I'd been sent. The list of things I had to pick up was getting overwhelming, and so I thought by heading to Dili to get this done I could get two birds stoned at once! I ended up picking up; a Care Package from the Family (Love you guys!💗), a Kindle that one of the staff was kind enough to foti on over from the states (Thanks again!), a Guitar (see pictures), some coffee and a whole bunch of stuff. I would say that trip was a major success and one that was necessary to keep my sanity and help me to relax. This has however been the first time since IST that I've been back in the capital, and I'd say with PDM coming right around the corner that this was a good timing.
As I said I picked up a guitar in Dili, so recently I have been practicing to hopefully get confident enough to play some songs fairly well by the end of the summer. I know it will be a hard journey, but this has been something I have been wanting to do for a while. Amongst the other leisure time activities I have been engrossing myself in, I have found time to continue working on my programming skills. While I would not call myself a programmer of a certified hacker, I would probably classify myself as a Green Hat who is starting to feel more comfortable with his abilities. I have been learning a bit of Python in my free time and plan on trying to learn a little C as well in order to understand some lower level code. Along those lines as well I have been speaking to one of the PC staff (Shout out to you!) about giving a training on computer security and how to handle malware infections on your own computer and others computers. I'm super excited for this because it will give me some new experiences in manipulating VMs in order to show what a typical scan would look like and how I go about detecting and getting rid of malware that I find. Shout out to MediCat which is a Live CD I've been using as of late. I normally try to shy away from the big Live CDs and stick to a Linux Distro running Clamav, but this tool caught my eye being the spiritual predecessor to Hirens Boot CD and after seeing everything that has been packed into this labor of love I now plan on using it for all of my Windows repairs (at least when I'm able to get it too boot).
To switch gears I have been feeling more comfortable here and have been trying to keep a fairly normal schedule to make my time here as productive as possible. Although some nights this seems to been easier said than done, I do feel confident in my placement and have a bright outlook for the next couple years. Recently my Org decided to apply for Farmers to Farmers which would see us having another U.S. Volunteer here for a while, which will be exciting! Although I wish they would have let me know about it more than 2 hours before they wanted me to fill out all the paperwork. I am still excited and look forward to planning the need's analysis the we will have to complete before finishing up the rest of the paperwork. There are a few plans that are hopefully coming down the pipeline, so I'll make sure to keep you all up to date with what's going on here.
I suppose I should get this post out now, I have to finish planning the training I want to give and still have to think about what to say on here next time!😂 I love all of you and hope to hear from all of you! If anyone want's to get a hold of me you can always message me either in the comments below or privately. I actually might add a contact form on here for anyone who's interested, but that's a plan for another day. Until I post again, I'll leave you all with this!
Much Love,