I'm a Peace Corps Volunteer in Timor-leste (East Timor) and this is a collection of stories from my time here. Above that I also have English resources for anyone who would like them in the Short Story Section. If you have anything you think would help future Volunteers or anyone really with becoming closer to Timor make sure to leave a comment!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Day 23 in Timor-Leste

Going to the Farm

Hey Everyone!

It's been a couple days since I took this picture, but it was of a farm near my host family. We walked there to see what one of the family farms looks like.  It was a great walk and the experience let me test my linguistic skills so that was a plus. If you are given a similar opportunity in your PST (assuming you are reading this because you are in a similar place I am) I would recommend going with your family to the places they recommend.

 I've been meeting a few TL8's and they have all reaffirmed my conviction to see this commitment through to it's end.  I've been getting some more resources and stockpiling them for when I'm at site. I just got a Telemor SIM card in addition to the TT SIM I have. The Telemor plan I have gives me unlimited data so it's something I am taking advantage of until I leave for my permanent site. If you have any questions let me know and I'll try to make up a FAQ page or a blog post that answers them.  OK, I have to sleep so I'll leave you with this!

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. 

Much Love,

*The content of this website is mine alone and does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government, the Peace Corps, or the East Timor Government.*